Thursday, October 1, 2009

Longer School Days

President Obama wants YOU to attend school longer. He thinks that it will be beneficial (good) for you and our country.

What in the world do you think?
Do you think that it is a good idea or a bad idea? Why?


  1. I maybe think it's a good idea because there might be dance and computer classes.We might learn more.

    But i might think it's a bad idea because sometimes other children are smarter, why can't you keep the children that are not good at school here longer.

  2. I think its a good idea because other countrys are catching up with our country.President Obama wants us to stay on top and make kids be smater.

  3. I think it's a bad idea becase we want to spend time with our famly.

  4. i think its a good idea becuase we could get a lot smarter than we really are we could wake up at 7 and leave at 5 that is ok for a whole week it can be like almost 60 hours.Thats why i think it a good idea.


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