Friday, October 16, 2009

Animal Studies

We have begun our Animal Studies unit in Science. The frogs arrived and were warmly welcomed by the students. The students set up the frog habitats and are making observations about their frogs. The students also got to welcome in and observe crabs and millipedes.


  1. THe millipeads are really cool and i holded it it felt tickilly.

  2. when my little cousin saw the picture of the millipead she said she wanted to hold it she says i wish i got to be there


Reader's Theatre

Reader's Theatre
City Mouse and Country Mouse

Reader's Theatre

Reader's Theatre
The Wizard, the Fairy, and the Magic Chicken

Reader's Theatre

Reader's Theatre
Doris: A Dog's Life

4th Graders become Geologist

4th Graders become Geologist
OMG!!! Look at this rock!!!!!

Science Animal Studies

Science Animal Studies
Getting to Know the frogs

Millipedes To Go

Millipedes  To  Go
Irvin - Luis in the background

Millipedes in their habitat

Millipedes in their habitat
LIrisbeth and Celeste
